Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Sometimes the sponsored links don't suck.

I usually get a kick out of the sponsored links google assigns to my emails. I once had an email chain about jug band stuff and they recommended a site about breastfeeding. Gmail really knows their jugs. At any rate, sometimes the links catch my eye and I actually click on them. Nine times out of ten, they suck. Today, I hit the jackpot and found TWO that didn't suck. At least not totally.

The first was for an organization promoting awareness for hearing loss amongst rock musicians. In and of itself, it's a lame organization, but I have this idea for a non-profit that provides FREE earplugs at all music venues in the twin cities and they might be a good place to start. I hate paying for earplugs. That dollar should go towards my next beer, not a pair of earplugs the club got for ten cents. And I'm too lazy and forgetful to keep earplugs in my purse all the time. So what if we got some grant money to go around with boxes of earplugs to give out for free to anyone who wants them at all the music venues in town? Somebody's got to be willing to give out money for that.

The other link was for a company that makes ecologically responsible wedding jewelry. Like all wedding jewelry, some of it's really ugly, but some of it is pretty nice. Some are a lot cheaper than traditional wedding rings and most of them are made from recycled gold or silver. They only use created (they make them in a lab, but they're still real diamonds) and recycled stones. Plus, to cater to both hippie AND nerd couples, they make bands with binary code messages and amino acid chains engraved in them. I personally like this one that has an inlay of a pebble you send to them.

Good job today google adbots. -CH

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